Replica Mauser C96 'Broomhandle' Pistol

Replica Mauser C96 'Broomhandle' Pistol
This iconic semi-automatic German pistol was manufactured between 1896 and 1937, originally by the famous firm Mauser, and then by other nations often on an unlicensed basis.
It has a very characteristic look with the long barrel and internal box magazine that sits in front of the trigger housing, along with its unusual T shaped toggle cocking mechanism. The weapon fired a high velocity and hard hitting 7.63 x 25 mm cartridge, which when combined with the long barrel, made it quite an accurate pistol.
The similarity to western eyes of the pistol grip to a broom’s handle earned it the common nickname of ‘Broomhandled Mauser’.
Whilst well-known as a German military pistol, it was often a private purchase pre-WW1 by British Officers seeing action in the Irish Wars, Colonial Wars and Boer War. It was in fact famously wielded by both Winston Churchill and Lawrence or Arabia. It also saw action in the Russian Civil / Revolutionary War (a weapon used to assassinate the Romanov Royal Family) and the Spanish Civil War. Many Chinese manufactured copies were also used in China’s civil war.
In WW2 Germany pressed the pistols into service once more, rechambering many for 9mm.
The pistol has a grooved slot in the rear of the pistol grip into which can be inserted a wooden shoulder stock to make the weapon become a small carbine. The stock also served as a holster for the pistol.
The Denix replica pistol is a full size and weight metal reproduction that has a working cocking action that brings this classic gun to life for the collector.
Sabre is delighted to stock these quality Denix Replica pistols and rifles.