Replica Pistols for collectors, re-enactors, museums and man caves

Replica pistols in Australia have been a staple for militaria collectors and re-enactors for decades. They are also a very safe alternative for museums to display, and to help adorn the walls of many a well-appointed man-cave around the nation.
Many recent film and television productions will also make use of quality replica weapons as a safer and easier to use alternative to the real thing on movie sets these days.
In QLD and WA replica pistols can be purchased and sensibly displayed without any need for a license or permit. In other states the right permit, exemption or license is required. In QLD and WA even replica submachine guns and replica machine guns are legal to buy and display with no license required.
Sabre Militaria’s e-commerce website features a great range of replica guns of all styles such as the famous Colt 45 Government Auto, Luger 9mm, Colt Python, Browning 9mm High Power and Colt Peacemaker. We also have a great range of replica machine guns and assault rifles.
Over the years many have come to appreciate that a replica gun made specifically to be a replica, and that can never be made to fire, isn’t something that should be too heavily regulated. It’s critical to abide by whatever laws and regulations that your state may have in place for the ownership and display of any replica guns.