Film Armoury and Advisory on Queensland's Gold Coast
The film and television industry is booming on QLD's Gold Coast and many productions have characters that need to carry weapons. We can represent everything from Pirates, Cowboys and Bushrangers to the World Wars, Street Crime and Current Conflicts.
Sabre operates 'Safe Hands Armourers' providing non-lethal movie guns to the film and TV industry.
Sabre holds a QLD Weapons Act Theatrical Ordnance Suppliers License and in QLD a Theatrical Ordnance Suppliers License is required by law in QLD to take any replica of a weapon or a weapon onto a film set, TV production or stage production (QLD Weapons Act 1990 Division 7).
Since our first business 'Movie Militaria' was created on the Gold Coast in 1988 we have enjoyed supporting film, TV and theatre with our expertise and inventory. We now have many items in stock and can source many more as required. If we don't have it tell us what you need and we can do our very best find it or have it made for you.
Film Armourer QLD / Gold Coast for supply of movie guns, props, costumes and on set Armourer's and Advisors to suit your production.
Consultancy with Producers, Writers, Directors and Cast to appropriately match items to characters and scripts.
Working with cast on set to assist in correct carriage and usage.
Liaison with Stunt, Art Department and Post Production to help assist with authenticity.
Age and wear effects added to movie guns for screen accuracy.
Access to a wide range of Military, Police and Historical advisers and subject matter experts in this field.
We have worked with productions on the Gold Coast ranging from student films and stage shows to major feature film productions with 'A List' Hollywood casts.
Whilst many of our team have extensive Military and Police experience we are also highly attuned to working within creative environments. We embrace the fact that at times authenticity may need to compromise a little for story telling.
We pride ourselves on having people who are genuinely cast and crew friendly that are approachable and open to ideas and approaches from other on set specialists. We are team players on set.
For safety many film and TV productions now use quality costume / prop / replica guns in place of the real thing and then add great post-production effects later. Far less risk on set, and we can help you make them look and act like the real thing onscreen.
For years we have advocated for the use of high-quality non-firing replica guns wherever possible in film, TV and stage productions. With quality post-production effects this is now a viable alternative to the real weapons and the risks that they entail. This is what the above-mentioned players plan to do moving forward.
As anyone with military training will be well aware, blanks are dangerous. Risks from real guns on set can include injury from unburned propellents, proximity to muzzle blast or ejection ports, hearing damage, components of internal blank fire devices coming loose from corrosion and acting as projectiles, and in extreme cases, death from incorrect usage / loading / aiming of blanks or from actual live ammunition turning up on set. Whilst highly professional armourers work to remove these risks, nonetheless there have recently been too many tragic instances where it has not been the case.
Our range of quality non-firing costume / prop / replica guns can also be supplied to other Film Armourers in QLD and Australia-wide to support local film and TV productions.
Whether providing other Film Armourers in QLD and Australia-wide with quality costume replicas and props, or working on set as Film Costumers / Armourers ourselves, we are delighted to support the Australian Film and Television industry.

CONTACT US: Admin@SabreHQ.com T - 1300 731 381