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We were fortunate indeed to meet and work with the late General Norman Schwarzkopf in the late 90's when he visited Australia.

Our longest running business venture, Sabre Corporate Development, sponsored him for that Australian speaking tour and we had the unique opportunity to have him sign a small number of these Gulf War US 'choc chip' desert pattern helmet covers. He even added his famous 4 Stars for us.

We found him to be not only an impressive intellect, and his military skills spoke for themselves, but he was also a truly delightful gentleman with truly warm and sincere people skills.

As the famous commander of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm he needed to deploy the full spectrum of his IQ, EQ and military arts to build and deploy the diverse array of forces that got the job done so well.

It was a sad day when he passed, as they don't seem to make them quite like him any more.

We enjoyed having the honour to meet and work with him, and to now have the opportunity to make some of these unique items available to other collectors.

Militaria and non-firing replica guns.


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