The Story of Sabre Militaria
The Directors are established collectors of militaria (for over 40 years) from virtually all periods of history and have been involved with militaria, military vehicles, film and TV armoury and weapons (both real and replica) since the 1980's in a variety of ways:
As members of the ADF (RAINF, RAAC, RACT and Training Units). As film armourers military advisors / theatrical ordnance suppliers to the film and TV industries (local and international productions). Working within large military museums. As designers of military themed corporate training programmes to major clients. As dealers / traders in militaria, military antiques and equipment.
Sabre Militaria indulges our loves of militaria, military history, collecting and online trading in militaria to circulate our own collection and to help others do the same. This is a boutique business to compliment our passion for militaria collecting and business ventures in other industries.
We hope that you will find something great on this site for your own personal collection.