These modifications ARE NOT designed or sanctioned by the manufacturer and will void all warranty.
These steps are given to customers, who at their own option, may wish to either place in a belt for display, or make permanent alterations that will enable the feed cover to open from the rear.
This requires having the requisite ‘handy’ skills or making use of someone who does.
1 - Gently knock out large pin from left to right using 5mm punch or similar, cover lifts upwards and off. MODIFICATION DONE AT OWN OPTION / RISK – VOIDS WARRANTY.
2 - Belt can be placed in and the cover / pin assembly simply replaced as is. Unless good with metal working and are patient, we recommend going no further than this. MODIFICATION DONE AT OWN OPTION / RISK – VOIDS WARRANTY.
If you want the feed cover to fold open from the rear (not recommended unless skilled in metalwork) there are extra steps. Requires some fiddly filing / milling and sanding to achieve optimal fit. MODIFICATION DONE AT OWN OPTION / RISK – VOIDS WARRANTY.
3 - Remove the tab, file back the remaining lug and then blacken the filed off area. MODIFICATION DONE AT OWN OPTION / RISK – VOIDS WARRANTY.
4 - Very carefully and patiently round off the latch and mill out / file space as shown to enable rotation. Test patiently and frequently without forcing to get the right fit. Risk of snaps and breakage if overdone or forced, so be careful. Then blacken filed areas. MODIFICATION DONE AT OWN OPTION / RISK – VOIDS WARRANTY.
5 - Replace pin once confident fit enables rotation without forcing. Rear will not lock, but it will now enable the feed cover to open as a real one would. REMEMBER these are not made of gun steel but a weaker alloy and so great care needs to be taken not to force or laterally jerk any fittings when opening and closing. MODIFICATION DONE AT OWN OPTION / RISK– VOIDS WARRANTY.