A ‘non-firing’ replica or imitation gun of the type that Sabre Militaria sells in Australia (mostly Denix replica guns) is a museum quality same size and weight metal reproduction of the real thing. The big difference is that it can never be modified to fire due to the type of metal used in their manufacture and the design of chambers and magazines etc. Replica guns / imitation guns in Australia are perfectly legal to own without any license required in QLD, WA and SA permits or exemptions needed for other states. Many are actually good enough for us to use confidently in our role as a Film Armourer.

We buy and sell / are collectors and traders in Militaria / Military Antiques and have been for over 40 years. We enjoy stocking and trading in all sorts of military uniforms, badges and gear for collecting / educational purposes, film, TV and stage and historical research and re-enactment. We are also delighted to be an authorised seller of the museum quality Denix range of Replica weapons and guns. Their replica pistols, replica rifles and replica machine guns are truly world-class. We also work as a Film Armourer in QLD Australia.
DISCLAIMER: We handle militaria of many different eras and nationalities (e.g. Australian, British, American, German, Japanese, Italian etc) with the intent of supporting legitimate collectors, public and private museums for educational and historical research purposes and those interested in military history. We DO NOT make any extremist political or revisionist statements and in NO WAY do we condone or support any forms of extremism. Our intent is to support the legal and legitimate collecting and studying of militaria and military history in the context of educational purposes, preservation, historical interest and research.